Not me, my computer.
I have been having "issues" with it for some time now. Finally yesterday it gave up the ghost. So, off to Radio Shack and home with a new Toshiba laptop. Today I am finding my way around Windows 7. Old puter had XP.
Later I will attempt to transfer my stuff. I will try to do it through Since I paid for a years membership, it had best be worth it. My whole life is on spreadsheets, etc. I NEED THEM TO LIVE! LOL!
If I can't figure it out, I will have to take the hard drive to a local computer expert and hope he can help me. Then I need to learn how to operate the built in web camera. Len had bought me one for Christmas but every time I took it out of the box to install, I became overwhelmed. We will probably give that one to our oldest daughter so we can talk to granddaughters Charlotte and eventually Abby.
Now, my "old" laptop was only about 5 years ago. One would think it would not be so obsolete.
We are still attending to the needs to Len's mother. Days can be very long. Monday we were on duty 7 am through the night to 1 pm Tuesday afternoon. Then 7 am to 7 pm Wednesday. Thursday it was 7 am to about 3 pm. Today it is 6 am until about 7 tonight. Not sure about the weekend yet.
The Beautiful Hill Country of Texas
14 hours ago