I am married to the love of my life, Leonard. We met in June 1988 and married one year and 3 days later. We have 5 children between us and 14 grandchildren, 2 great grandsons and a great granddaughter. Fulltime RVing is a great plan for us. I am from New Jersey, he is from Louisiana. We are retired, what better way to visit family in the northeast and in the south but in our own RV! We started our fulltime traveling adventure February 2010. We settled in Cullman, Alabama in December 2016. Bought an ideal homestead. Sold the RV as health issues dictated that we must.
Ahhh, I would love a little excitement such as you have!
Just found your blog from another blog. I enjoyed your pictures and comments.
That is my kind of excitment. I just can't wait.
Sounds very similar to my day except I went to the dentist and has my smile improved. Hurray!
Can't wait until tomorrow to see if you finished that crossword puzzle!
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