Vinton, LA
We hope each of our family, friends and blogger buddies had a great Christmas. We had Christmas Eve dinner at our friends Diana and Toto's over in Sulphur. Then we were invited to share dinner on Christmas with Len's sister Sissy and her husband David and their family right across the Sabine in Orange, TX. We thank these dear friends and family for inviting us to join them during this special time.
As I have written many times in the last several months we have been dealing with a Montana dealer in NJ where we purchased our rig. Initially it was the length of time it took for them to order parts to repair our home (five weeks). When they finally completed the repairs and we picked it up, we saw they had replaced our steps. As the damage was to the back end of the fiver, there was no reason to change the steps.
When Leonard asked why, they said it was done accidentally. The mechanic was to change the steps to another rig and changed ours instead. This makes no sense. First - why would a mechanic think he needed to remove perfectly good steps. Second - if they put these steps on our rig, what did he put on the other? Three dealers have since told us it is very common for repair people to steal steps from a rig in the shop and put them on a rig about to go out. We feel this is what happened or they damaged our steps when moving the rig.
The dealer, SCOTT MOTORCOACH in Lakewood, NJ told us we could bring the rig back to them and they would put the correct steps back on, without charge! That comment steamed me - why do they even think they would have the right to charge us for their mistake. This meant a 198 mile around trip and possibly leaving the rig there again. We were committed to a NOMADS project the next week and had to get on the road to NC. We had no time to take it back.
So, off we went. A few weeks later after trying to live with the situation, we purchased a platform at a cost to us of $85.00. It helps but is not as safe as having the correct steps. Len called SCOTT MOTORCOACH about a month ago. He suggested they order the correct steps and send them to us. He would install them. They said they would look into it.
Having not heard from them, he called them last week. They said they researched it and the steps they installed are correct. They will not supply us with new steps. Remember, back when we picked up the rig following the repairs back in late August, they admitted making a mistake. Seems all that has changed now.
We went to a nearby dealer over in Texas last week. They recently lost their Montana franchise but had one new Montana on the lot. (As we were there, it was hooked up and left the lot) Here is Len standing by the steps.
The bottom step was 8 inches from the ground. Here is what we are living with:
Depending on how we are parked, the steps have been as close as 16 inches from the ground and as far as 20 inches. In addition, they are flimsy and very shaky.
Since Keystone Customer Service refuses to get involved in issues between the dealer and the customer and Scott Motorcoach will not make good, we will buy the steps ourselves and install it. However, I want people to know about our dealings with Scott Motorcoach and Keystone. Buyer beware!
Okay - time to get off this computer and head out to church.
Our 2025 winter home in Mesa, Arizona
5 weeks ago
I sure hope Scott Motorcoach gets tons of bad publicity from your blog - it would serve them right. Their customer service attitude is terrible. Those steps they put on your rig are an accident rig and I'm just amazed they would even do it. It's just too bad you have to pay to get it put right!
I feel the same as Rick, I think they damaged your rig while it was in their custody and tried to cover it up. I am glad you are putting the word out but unfortunately many more people will buy from them with out knowing. Have you contacted the Better Business Bureau they will at least accept a complaint and keep it on file, and Maybe the New Jersey Attorney General's Office. Donna is relentless in her letter writing when she is wronged and you guys were definitely wronged.But don't ley it ruin your holidays. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna...
Oh boy! I will keep in mind not to shop from Scott Motorcoach, even we really don't have many RV dealers here in NJ! Please try not to let it dampen your mood!
Greetings from rainy Southern California.
I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to :-)
May God bless you and your family in 2011 ~Ron
And always remember: Smiles don't have to be saved for a rainy day. It's good to waste them :-)
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