Vinton, LA
I am going to attempt to write a post and upload some pictures. If I stop midway it is because I picked up the computer and threw it out the door.
As I said in my last post, we drove over to Houston to visit Len's daughter D'Juana, her husband Joe and the grandkids - Alexandra (age 17), Jared (14) and Lindsey (11). We got there Friday afternoon and stayed until Saturday afternoon. On Friday night Alex attended her Senior Class Christmas Dance.
The rest of us went to dinner at a great seafood restaurant on Galveston Bay. I wish I took note of the name or even the town we were in!
Since it was in the 60's on Saturday and no wind, we decided to all go to the Houston Zoo. I took lots of pictures but really don't have patience to post many However, here is proof we were there.
Oops - sorry - no proof. Can not upload ANY pictures. Keep losing connectin. Well, anyway we did go to Houston Zoo and had a fine ole time.
Saturday night - attended Leonards' family annual Christmas party at his nieces.
Sunday - following church had lunch with friend Diana. Her hubby Toto begged off because the Saints were playing. (He should have gone!) Even the Saints lose. After lunch we went with Diana to visit her parents who live in a nearby nursing home. They both glad to see us. Growing up, Len thought of them as another aunt and uncle.
Monday - nothing to write home about.
Tuesday - being bored I suggested we drive over to Kinder, LA to Coushatta Casino. This is quite a place. (Again, I took pictures, but can not post) We had agreed to live large and each put $10 in the slots. But first, the lunch buffet. We picked the right day. The buffet is usually $12. each. But on Tuesday if you have some type of senior (the old people kind of senior, not the High School type), the cost is $5.50. I saw this and wondered how to get my hands on one of those cards. But we were already in line. What do you know! They never asked for a card and charged us $11.00 for the two of us and that included the beverage. We thought we were winners for sure.
Then off to the slots. I picked a promising looking machine. I quickly more than doubled my money. I cashed out at $21.75. Len, playing the same machine, quickly lost his funds. Did he allow me to stay ahead??? NO HE DID NOT. He FORCED me to put the whole $21.75 back in and we walked out with NOTHING. NOTHING I said, NOTHING! Our $20. was gone but that lunch was still a winner.
Wednesday - we need a new faucet in the kitchen. The cheapy one Keystone installed was corroded and starting to leak. We went to Lowes, Home Depot and Steins. Did not make a decision.
Thursday - We made a decision. Back to Lowes. New faucet installed. Well, almost. We need to go back tomorrow and get some type of wrench to completely tighten it. At least I THINK we need that wrench. I do know Len keeps buying tools lately. Keeps saying he needs them for NOMADS projects. I think it is just a man thing.
To all my blogging buddies and readers - wishing each of you the Blessing of the Season and the very best in 2011.
Our 2025 winter home in Mesa, Arizona
5 weeks ago
Hi Phyllis and Len
I wish you both a Very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous and Happy New Year.
Don't ya love it when you get senior discounts when yer not even a senior YET??
Phyllis...Ron says a man can never have too many tools. Ron is trying to figure out what tools he needs to take to Texas with him for our new jobs. I keep telling him I am sure they have the tools he will need.
Ron wants to know what kind of faucet you got. You know, being a plumber that kind of stuff entertains him.
Hope you have a good day tomorrow.
Funny story about the slots but oh so true. Those one armed bandits will eventually get you every time!
Have a great Christmas with your family!
It is a man thing with tools.The habit is hard to break.I'm at the point now I have to get rid of an unused tool each time I get a new one.Of course as soon as I get rid of it I will need it.Merry Christmas.
Hope you get a better connection soon...
Merry Christmas to you guys and Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas, Phyllis and Len! :) I hope the two of you have a wonderful day!! :)
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