Deming, NM
After divesting ourselves of $425.00 in the purchase of two tires for the fiver, we left Fort Stockton, TX right after 9 this morning. We continued west on I10 through West Texas.
We passed through El Paso. If I were looking to settle there, I would have to think twice (at least) when I saw most houses had bars on the windows. Just sayin... Finally we left Texas behind (all 880 miles of I10) and entered New Mexico.
Maybe it is just me, but does New Mexico look like Texas?
Or seeing lots of pecan groves, maybe Georgia?
We had been looking wildlife. The only animals we saw were laying either in or on the side of the road. WAIT! Up on the hill, is that a Roadrunner? They grow them big in these parts.
I can only imagine the size of the coyotes.
Not far into New Mexico we were waved through a Border Patrol road check. I guess we did not look suspicious enough.
We found our destination, Dream Catcher RV park, an Escapees Park around 2 mountain time. We knew Linda and Joe, who we met at the Tennessee Escapees Park, was working here. We hoped they were on duty. They were. We spent a few minutes catching up before setting up camp. We then attended the 4 o'clock social hour.
A nice couple came to our site, right after we pulled in. They saw our NOMADS sign on the truck. They do similar mission work for SOWERS, another faith based volunteer program for RVers. Later, another man knocked on our door. He saw our sign and asked if he could talk to us about NOMADS. We are always so glad to spread the word. He is a lay minister in the Methodist Church and recently retired. We talked for a while and gave him literature. He will be making contact to our administrator, Carla. We feel so blessed when we are able to share with people who have a genuine interest in volunteer mission work.
One big disappointment today. We did not want to cook. We both wanted BEEF! Lots of BEEF! We found a steak house and had a great meal. Len's cut of beef was more than he could handle tonight. He asked the hostess to wrap it. She said okay and then walked right over to the trash and dumped it! WHAT WAS SHE THINKING! We had planned to make fajitas tomorrow for lunch. Her tip could have been larger.
Our 2025 winter home in Mesa, Arizona
5 weeks ago
Wonder what she was thinking??? I think I would have asked to speak to the manager and complain. What a waste of good food.
Glad you got all settled in.
Wow I think I would have lost it, good steak going down the tubes, Oh well , good help is hard to find.Hope you all are doing fine, it looks like you are finely enjoying your trip, It seems like tires go in spats , we had two go real close together also. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna..
Enjoy your stay in Deming. My home town.
Your comment today about your risky neighbours in Vegas cracked me up! LOL :)
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