Fort Stockton, TX
We left Georgetown, TX about 8:30 this morning. We enjoyed the West Texas scenery.
Some people do not like these, but I find them beautiful. There were miles upon miles of wind turbines.
As we were enjoying our ride, off went our Pressure Pro System. Fiver left tire gauge was reading 65, 55, 45 --oops! We pulled over to the side. Yup, flat she was.
It only took Len about 20 minutes to change it out. We then proceeded to Fort Stockton, a good sized town about 280 miles from New Mexico. We first went to WalMart hoping they could do a repair. This is a very small WalMart - no tires. We unhooked the truck and drove through town looking for a tire shop open at 4:00 pm on a Holiday weekend Sunday.
Everything appeared closed. We stopped to get diesel. Len asked another customer who said he thought a shop might be open about two blocks back. He left and a few minutes later came back. He checked and it was open. What kindness.
We found the shop. However, when the mechanic checked the tire he found it is completely blown and can not be fixed. Earlier in the day, Len noticed the front tire on the right side has very little tread left on the outer edge.
So - here we are "camping" at Wally World. We will be at the local Goodyear store at 8 tomorrow morning to buy TWO new tires. And it is only JANUARY 2 of the year we swore our luck would change.
Two things:
1. We have heard about the cheap tires from China that most manufacturers put on the rigs.
We have proof! We plan on replacing the other two in a couple of weeks.
2. Gotta love the Pressure Pro System. Would never pull a rig without one.
Let's see what challenge tomorrow brings!!
Our 2025 winter home in Mesa, Arizona
5 weeks ago
Pressure Pro is definitely on our list of 'must haves'. Glad it caught the flat in time before something bad happened!
Dang it, 2011 will be different/less trouble! Perhaps this is the one glitch for the year and you have already gotten it out of the way! I'll keep that thought for you if you keep it for us! :) Glad you're enjoying my Texas!
Not the best way to start a new year for sure. But, it is a lot better than having a blow out on the highway!! At least no one was hurt and your rigs o.k.
The Pressure Pro System sounds like a good thing. Where did you get it and how does it work?
Glad Len was able to change the tire out. We have had two blowouts on the Class A and there is no way Ron could change the tire on his own.
Like Rick said, glad no one injured and that all is well with your rig.
Kinda know how you feel,we have had pretty good luck with our fiver other than axle/tire wheel problem that I think we have solved now.But over the last two weeks I have had to repair a gray water valve,now one day/night shade has a broken string and last night our fridge quit working on electric.Thank god it still cools on propane.Still love the lifestyle though.Good luck on your travels.Once again Pressure Pro proves it's worth.
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