The main construction project here at Circle J Ranch is the Pavilion.
Donna and Linda cleaning up the grounds and lodge:
Shredding documents some going back to 1989!!!
Finding a little time to rest and chat.
The view from our back window. They like to lay in this area several hours a day all in a bunch. I just don't get it. They have wool coats on and it can be in the high 90's. They have the option of walking down the hill and going through a fence to a green pasture with a flowing stream of cool water.
Now - for a question. Can someone tell me the name of this huge moth/butterfly???
I don't mean George or Fred or Oscar. I mean what type or species!
That is HUGE building. Looks like it is going to be a great one.
Thats a big bug!!
That looks like a huge project. Are you going to finish that pavilion while you are there?
Seems like none of us knows. but must agree the building is grand.
Must be hot working outside in that weather. The new pavilion is going to be a big one!
Sorry, absolutely no help in the bug department. It's certainly big though.
It is a Bajebers Moth. It's purpose is to scare the bajebers out of you. Great job on the building.
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