Fayette, MO
As is our usual practice, we attend church services at a local Methodist Church in whatever town we find ourselves. Since we are volunteering at a Methodist University, of course there is a large church on campus.
We had planned to attend Linn UMC this morning.
A very beautiful, stately church. We thought services started at 9:30. We arrived at the church about 9:10 to find it starts at 10. Leonard wondered if there were any other Methodist churches in this small town of less than 2,800 people. We doubted it but plugged it into our GPS just to see.
Maybell (our GPS) directed us around the corner and down a street to St.Pauls UMC.
As we were cutting through the parking lot across the street, a SUV pulled in and out jumped a gentleman waving to us. He saw the magnetic signs we keep on our doors indicating we are Mission Volunteers with the NOMADS. Pastor Andre Fulton came to our truck and said he was excited to see us there. He knows about the NOMADS, having been at a campground where a group was working.
Pastor Andre asked if we would join them for services and tell the congregation about the NOMADS. As services did not start until 11, we said we would return with brochures and would be thrilled to give a short presentation.
St. Paul's is a predominately African American congregation and are really filled with the Spirit! Today they recognized their Graduates, both college and high school level.
The choir was, as expected, jubilant and uplifting.
Duirng "greeting time" Pastors beautiful wife came up to us. She told us they wanted to give us a gift of money to assist in buying gas or however else we wanted to use it. Leonard told her we do not accept assistance as this is our way to give back. After church Pastor Andre took us aside and told us they are obligated to give and what we want to do with the money after they give it to us is up to us. We told them to write a check out to NOMADS and we would forward it on where it will be put to good use.
We were even further blessed as they were having a dinner after services and asked us to join them. Wow, this was really special! Pastor Andre and his wife, Brandi,let us know that on Wednesday nights they have a potluck dinner followed by Bible study and would love for us to join with them. You betcha!
We told Andre where we were staying and he assured us he would be stopping by before Friday as we will be getting on the road that morning.
Yes, today we were directed to where we were meant to be.
Our 2025 winter home in Mesa, Arizona
3 weeks ago
I love it when the Lord gives us nudges in the right direction!
What a terrific blessing ;-)
Sounds like a fantastic day and you sure met up with some pretty nice folks from the sounds of it.
I work for a large Methodist Church and they say Betty Crocker was a Methodist because we are always having a lunch or dinner for something. Keep up the great work.
What a blessing! Sounds like a perfect day and I think you have made some lifelong friends.
How delightful and what a blessing you are. It feels pretty good when something like this happens. I'm sure you gave the folk a real treat.
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