Things have settled down with Len's Mom. We had thought that Len would have a short-term job in this area and then be able to apply for his NJ Unemployment. He has talked to his sister and two brothers about different possibilities but nothing has materialized so far.
We are waiting for a part to come in at a nearby RV dealer that will fix the problem with our right front landing gear. We can not take the chance of traveling until that is fixed. It's been two weeks yesterday since it was ordered. They said one week. Here we go again!
We are also having difficulty getting low cost health coverage for him. If it's not one thing, it's another. But we know it will all work out in time.
Once these things are settled: 1) either having a job or not having a job; 2) continued improvement of Mom; 3) getting landing gear fixed; 4) finding insurance = then we will look into moving along. We really are having hitch itch.
We are both BORED BORED BORED. Today we left at 10 and took a 200 mile drive. We got back to the fiver around 2:30. I took the camera but only after seeing something interesting and moving on down the road, did I think, "hey, why didn't I take a picture". As I keep saying, Len and I have 5 brain cells between us and are losing them fast.
We had a nice evening last night with Len's cousin Russell and wife Margie. We went to a Chinese Buffet that had lots of boiled crawfish. It sure made the 3 Cajuns I was with happy. It is always a treat to visit with them.
Our 2025 winter home in Mesa, Arizona
3 weeks ago